Understanding the impact of social, economic and geographic disadvantage on the health of Australians in mid - later life: what are the opportunities for prevention? [Funded by NHMRC Targeted Research-Preventive Healthcare and Strengthening Australia’s Social and Economic Fabric Research Grants ID 4020810 ; Total Awarded: $1,932,000]

  • Bauman, Adrian (Primary Chief Investigator)
  • Schofield, Deborah (Chief Investigator)
  • Redman, Sally (Primary Chief Investigator)

Project: Research

Project Details


Bauman A, Redman S, Harris M, Schofield D, Broom D, McMichael A, Bailey S, Bambrick H, Beard J, Byles J, Clark J, Jalaludin B, Jorm L, Nutbeam D, Rodgers B, Woodruff R, Woodward M
Effective start/end date1/01/0631/12/10