3-D lithospheric structure and regional/residual Bouguer anomalies in the Arabia-Eurasia collision (Iran)

I. Jiménez-Munt*, M. Fernàndez, E. Saura, J. Vergés, D. Garcia-Castellanos

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101 Citations (Scopus)


The aim of this work is to propose a first-order estimate of the crustal and lithospheric mantle geometry of the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone and to separate the measured Bouguer anomaly into its regional and local components. The crustal and lithospheric mantle structure is calculated from the geoid height and elevation data combined with thermal analysis. Our results show that Moho depth varies from ~42 km at the Mesopotamian-Persian Gulf foreland basin to ~60 km below the High Zagros. The lithosphere is thicker beneath the foreland basin (~200 km) and thinner underneath the High Zagros and Central Iran (~140 km). Most of this lithospheric mantle thinning is accommodated under the Zagros mountain belt coinciding with the suture between two different mantle domains on the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone. The regional gravity field is obtained by calculating the gravimetric response of the 3-D crustal and lithospheric mantle structure obtained by combining elevation and geoid data. The calculated regional Bouguer anomaly differs noticeably from those obtained by filtering or just isostatic methods. The residual gravity anomaly, obtained by subtraction of the regional components to the measured field, is analyzed in terms of the dominating upper crustal structures. Deep basins and areas with salt deposits are characterized by negative values (~-20 mGal), whereas the positive values are related to igneous and ophiolite complexes and shallow basement depths (~20 mGal).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1311-1324
Number of pages14
JournalGeophysical Journal International
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2012
Externally publishedYes


  • Continental tectonics: compressional
  • Crustal structure
  • Dynamics: gravity and tectonics
  • Gravity anomalies and Earth structure


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