Described herein is a source for a directional antenna. Also described are a directional antenna and a method of designing an antenna. In one aspect, the present disclosure provides a source with spatially substantially uniform phase. The source includes an emitter or receiver and a delay compensator being positioned in a near-field region of the emitter or receiver. In a second aspect, the present disclosure provides a directional antenna including a source and a pair of directional metasurfaces, both directional metasurfaces being positioned in a near-field region of the source.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2017091845 |
IPC | H01Q 3/08 2006.01,H01Q 3/12 2006.01,H01Q 19/00 2006.01,H01Q 19/06 2006.01,H01Q 19/10 2006.01,H01Q 19/18 2006.01 |
Priority date | 1/12/15 |
Filing date | 31/05/16 |
Publication status | Submitted - 8 Jun 2017 |
Bibliographical note
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