A Forward looking framework to evaluate the product proliferation success

Dean Wilkie, Abas Mirzaei, Lester W. Johnson

Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract


This paper is aimed at providing a platform to evaluate the success of product proliferation. Focusing on product as a key marketing mix element, this paper reviews and critically analyse the existing literature on the product proliferation and line extension. It proposes a forward looking framework to evaluate the performance of product proliferation strategies. Three key factors are identified including product line length, complexity/ experience, and heterogeneity/overlap which can be further classified into firm, consumer, and market factors. It is argued that the success of a product proliferation is contingent to a great range of factors such as the breadth and the depth of firm experience that must be taken into account before making any product proliferation decision.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
JournalANZMAC 2015 : Innovation and growth strategies in marketing : conference proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventAustralian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2015) - Sydney
Duration: 30 Nov 20152 Dec 2015


  • product proliferation
  • line extension
  • line complexity
  • line heterogeneity
  • line overlap


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