A patient-specific remote ischemic preconditioning system with multi- layer feedback control unit

Ashkan Javadzadegan (Inventor), Andy Yong (Inventor), Abouzar Moshfegh (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The technology relates to a remote ischemic preconditioning system having a cuff configured to contract about a limb of a subject; an actuator connected to the cuff that, when actuated, causes the cuff to contract about the limb of the subject; a controller that controls the actuator to operate according to a treatment protocol that includes a plurality of treatment cycles of contracting and releasing the cuff about the limb of a subject; a first sensor for measuring oxygen saturation level in the blood of the limb; a second sensor for measuring a pulse property in the limb; and a feedback control unit in communication with the controller and configured to receive the oxygen saturation measurement from the first sensor and the pulse property from the second sensor; wherein the feedback control unit is further configured to: compare the oxygen saturation level to a first predetermined value and signal the controller to operate the actuator to further inflate the cuff if the oxygen saturation level is above the predetermined value; and compare the pulse property to a second predetermined value and signal the controller to operate the actuator to further inflate the cuff if the pulse rate or pulse strength is above the predetermined value.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent number2018212933
    IPCA61B 5/ 026,A61B 17/135,A61B 5/0225,A61B 5/025
    Priority date25/01/18
    Filing date25/01/18
    Publication statusSubmitted - 2 Aug 2018


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