A semi-empirical index for estimating soil moisture from MIVIS data to identify subsurface archaeological sites

Arianna Traviglia

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution


    The possibilities offered by studying the tonal variations of the bare soil ('damp-mark') are well known in archaeology: their existence in fact can be an indication of the presence in the subsoil of archaeological structures or ditches that inhibit or facilitate the absorption of rainwater and of the rising of humidity. The studying of the different degrees of water absorption of a soil becomes therefore particularly useful for the identification of buried archaeological sites in extra-urban context. In this work will be presented a Soil Index for hyperspectral MIVIS data that aims to constitute a support for the identification of traces over not-vegetated soil, emphasizing the wetness or the dryness of a portion of the ground.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationConferenza Nazionale ASITA, Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali ed Ambientali, 15-18 Novembre 2005, Catania, ASITA Catania, Atti Volume II
    Place of PublicationCatania
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 2005
    EventConferenza Nazionale ASITA (Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali ed Ambientali) - Catania
    Duration: 15 Nov 200518 Nov 2005


    ConferenceConferenza Nazionale ASITA (Federazione delle Associazioni Scientifiche per le Informazioni Territoriali ed Ambientali)


    • Aquileia (NE ITaly)
    • archaeological remote sensing
    • image processing
    • Soil Index
    • hyperspectral data


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