Adelaidean and Early Cambrian stratigraphy of the southwestern Georgina Basin: correlation chart and explanatory notes

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    26 Citations (Scopus)


    A study has been made of the Adelaidean and Early Cambrian stratigraphy of the southwestern Georgina Basin, and the basic results are presented as lithologic and chronostratigraphic correlation charts and palinspastic section. Within the Adelaide sequence 4 tectosomes are recognised; 2 of these are correlated with the 2 Adelaidean tillites of other Australian basins. Tectonic movements preceding the deposition of each tectosome have been recognised and named. The palinspastic section shows that Adelaidean deposition took place in fault-bounded troughs. An unconformity separating the Adelaidean and Early Cambrian sequences has been recognised. The relevant stratigraphic units are defined or redefined. Trace fossils are reported from several Early Cambrian sandstones.-from Authors

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalAustralian Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology & Geophysics, Report,
    Issue numberBMR MF92
    Publication statusPublished - 1980


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