An evaluation of Australian pharmacists’ knowledge of glaucoma: effectiveness of continuous professional development education events

Cyd Soriano*, David Wechsler, Andrew White, Ivan Goldberg, Geoff Pollard, Mark Naunton

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Objectives: We aimed to determine the effectiveness of a series of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) seminars on glaucoma therapy for pharmacists and to identify potential gaps in knowledge. Methods: We evaluated pharmacists’ knowledge using a questionnaire distributed to pharmacists attending a glaucoma seminar conducted by the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia or the Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Australia, in conjunction with Glaucoma Australia, before (pre-test) and after (post-test) each seminar. The seminars were conducted at seven locations in Australia and there were 138 respondents. Results: Of the 138 pre-test and 124 post-test responses around Australia, there were 105 matched-pairs. Overall, the seminar significantly improved post- test responses compared with pre-test responses (Wilcoxon Matched Pairs test, p = < 0.05), except for one case-based question. Conclusion: While there was reasonable glaucoma knowledge in pharmacists, improvements are needed for step-up therapy for patients with co-morbidities. One of the case-based style questions highlighted a significant gap in knowledge despite the intervention; thus case-based learning could be useful in assessing participants’ level of understanding and incorporated into educational presentations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)42-47
Number of pages6
JournalPharmacy Education
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Continuing education
  • Continuous professional development
  • Pharmacist knowledge
  • Pharmacy education


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