An optical amplifier, a laser and methods of manufacture thereof

Graham David Marshall (Inventor), Martin Ams (Inventor), Peter Dekker (Inventor), James Austin Piper (Inventor), Michael John Withford (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    An optical waveguide device (2000) comprising at least one optical waveguide (2002) formed within a bulk optical material (2001), the waveguide having a central longitudinal axis (2004), and a grating formation (2005) within the bulk optical material (2001) co-axial with the axis of at least one optical waveguide (2004). The device (2000) may be used, for example, as an amplifier or laser when combined with a pump means.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2008025076
    IPCG02B 6/10 2006.1,H01P 3/00 2006.1,H01S 3/063 2006.1
    Priority date16/08/07
    Filing date29/08/07
    Publication statusSubmitted - 6 Mar 2008


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