Disclosed herein is an optical signal transmission system (10). The optical signal transmission system (10) comprises a multimode optical fibre link (12). The multimode optical fibre link (12) is for transmission of a plurality of optical signals in a plurality of spatial modes supported by the multimode optical fibre link (12). The optical signal transmission system (10) comprises a photonic device in the form of a spatial mode add drop multiplexer (14) coupled to the multimode optical fibre link (12) and configured for at least one of coupling into the multimode optical fibre link (12) an optical signal of the plurality of optical signals into a spatial mode of the plurality of spatial modes and coupling out of the multimode optical fibre link (12) and into an optical fibre (16) the optical signal of the spatial mode.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2018039716 |
IPC | H04B 10/2581 2013.01,H04J 14/04 2006.01 |
Priority date | 30/08/16 |
Filing date | 30/08/17 |
Publication status | Submitted - 8 Mar 2018 |
Bibliographical note
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