Another Aussie parrot at risk

Andrew Beattie, Anne H. Ehrlich, Christine Turnbull, Paul R. Ehrlich

    Research output: Contribution to Newspaper/Magazine/WebsiteWebsite contribution


    In a previous post to the MAHB Blog the story of the endangered orange-bellied parrot of Tasmania was told. Another gorgeous Australian parrot is also in deep trouble, this time at the northern extreme of the continent. The golden-shouldered parrot is a denizen of Cape York, the northeastern tip of Australia, where it is now restricted to the eastern edge of its historic range on the peninsula, especially near Musgrave. It nests in cavities excavated in termite mounds in tropical savannah woodland, when the mounds are soft after the rainy season, and both members of a pair feed the 3-6 young.
    Original languageEnglish
    Specialist publicationMillenium Alliance for Humanity and Biosphere
    PublisherMillenium Alliance for Humanity and Biosphere
    Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2015


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