Anti-clockwise P-T paths in the lower crust: An example from a kyanite-bearing regional aureole, George Sound, New Zealand

G. L. Clarke*, J. A. Fitzherbert, L. A. Milan, N. R. Daczko, H. S. Degeling

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    15 Citations (Scopus)


    The George Sound Paragneiss (GSP) represents a rare Permo-Triassic unit in Fiordland that occurs as a km-scale pillar to gabbroic and dioritic gneiss of c. 120 Ma Western Fiordland Orthogneiss (WFO). It is distinguished from Palaeozoic paragneiss common in western Fiordland (Deep Cove Gneiss) by SHRIMP and laser-ablation U-Pb ages as young as c. 190 Ma and 176Hf/177Lu >0.2828 for detrital zircon grains. The Mesozoic age of the GSP circumvents common ambiguity in the interpretation of Cretaceous v. Palaeozoic metamorphic assemblages in the Deep Cove Gneiss. A shallowly dipping S1 foliation is preserved in the GSP distal to the WFO, cut by 100 m scale migmatite contact zones. All units preserve a steeply dipping S2 foliation. S1 staurolite and sillimanite inclusions in the cores of metapelitic garnet grains distal to the WFO preserve evidence for prograde conditions of T <. 650 °C and P < 8 kbar. Contact aureole and S2 assemblages include Mg-rich, Ca-poor cores to garnet grains in metapelitic schist that reflect WFO emplacement at ≈760 °C and ≈6.5 kbar. S2 kyanite-bearing matrix assemblages and Ca-enriched garnet rims reflect ≈650 °C and ≈11 kbar. Poorly oriented muscovite-biotite intergrowths and rare paragonite reflect post-S2 high-. P retrogression and cooling. Pseudosection modelling in NCKFMASH defines a high-. P anti-clockwise P-T history for the GSP involving: (i) mid-. P amphibolite facies conditions; preceding (ii) thermal metamorphism adjacent to the WFO; followed by (iii) burial to high-. P and (iv) high-. P cooling induced by tectonic juxtaposition of cooler country rock.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)77-96
    Number of pages20
    JournalJournal of Metamorphic Geology
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2010


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