
Rodrigo Azaola (Developer), Safdar Ahmed (Performer), Can Yalcinkaya (Performer), Michal Imielski (Producer), Daz Chandler (Photographer), Barnando Hernandez (Producer)

Research output: Non-traditional research outputExhibition


Developed and produced by Rodrigo Azaola, Armida is a multimedia artwork, which reinterprets the 17th Century orientalist Opera, Armida by Jean Baptiste Lully and juxtaposes it with images of the Cronulla race riots that took place in Sydney in 2005 as a critique of rampant Islamophobia in Australia.

As part of the video installation, Hazeen, a Muslim black-death metal band from Sydney (comprised of Safdar Ahmed and Can Yalcinkaya) composed and recorded a death metal interpretation of the the aria "Come, come unrelenting hate" by Jean Baptiste Lully (1686), and footage from a Hazeen performance has been incorporated into the video.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAbbotsford, VIC
Publisherc3 Art Space Gallery
Media of outputFilm
Size4 minutes 44 seconds
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Armida
  • Opera
  • Cronulla Riots
  • Islamophobia
  • Multimedia art
  • death metal
  • Hazeen


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