Artificial intelligence to detect tympanic membrane perforations

A.-R. Habib*, E. Wong, R. Sacks, N. Singh

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21 Citations (Scopus)


Objective. To explore the feasibility of constructing a proof-of-concept artificial intelligence algorithm to detect tympanic membrane perforations, for future application in under-resourced rural settings. Methods A retrospective review was conducted of otoscopic images analysed using transfer learning with Google's Inception-V3 convolutional neural network architecture. The 'gold standard' 'ground truth' was defined by otolaryngologists. Perforation size was categorised as less than one-third (small), one-third to two-thirds (medium), or more than two-thirds (large) of the total tympanic membrane diameter. Results A total of 233 tympanic membrane images were used (183 for training, 50 for testing). The algorithm correctly identified intact and perforated tympanic membranes (overall accuracy = 76.0 per cent, 95 per cent confidence interval = 62.1-86.0 per cent); the area under the curve was 0.867 (95 per cent confidence interval = 0.771-0.963). Conclusion A proof-of-concept image-classification artificial intelligence algorithm can be used to detect tympanic membrane perforations and, with further development, may prove to be a valuable tool for ear disease screening. Future endeavours are warranted to develop a point-of-care tool for healthcare workers in areas distant from otolaryngology.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)311-315
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of Laryngology and Otology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2020


  • Ear
  • Machine Learning
  • Otoscopy
  • Tympanic Membrane


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