An apparatus for time-gated fluorescence or luminescence detection includes gating means (206) arranged to alternately permit light from an excitation source (242) to be directed to a sample (235) along a first communication path (231, 232), and then permit light emitted from the sample to be directed to a detector (246) along a second communication path (237, 238) while blocking the first communication path (231, 232): The gating means (206) may comprise a single chopper wheel or apertured disc, or a rotating or oscillating arm, and may further comprise one or more reflective facets (207). The gating means (206) may be driven via a magnetic rotor, with a ferrite bead placed to offset rotor magnets with respect to drive coils, when at rest, so as to assist with self starting.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2009137875 |
IPC | H02K 1/18,G01N 21/64 2006.1,G02B 26/08 2006.1,G02B 26/04 2006.1 |
Priority date | 13/05/08 |
Filing date | 13/05/09 |
Publication status | Submitted - 19 Nov 2009 |
Bibliographical note
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