Bent Street 4.2: Australian LGBTIQA+ art, writing & ideas

Tiffany Jones (Editor)

    Research output: Book/ReportEdited Book/Anthology


    With a times-appropriate cover image from Mel Simpson of Kittenpants studios, and contributions of art, poetry, essay, first-person memoir, interviews, and fiction from:

    Peter Waples-Crowe, Tiffany Jones, Sam Elkin, Indiah Money, Jude Munro, Firdhan Aria Wijaya, Steph Amir, Mel Simpson, Jean Taylor, Andrew McNamara, Jodie Hare, Frank Bonnici, Guy James Whitworth, Alison Thorne, Rodney Croome, Ian Seal, Edwina Shaw, Erin Riley, Derek Ho, Gina Ward, James May, Ayman Barbaresco, Blair Archbold, Yannick Thoraval, Baburam Poudel, Yulius Hendri Wijaya, Marcus O’Donnell, Hannah Gillard, Max Hayward, Rob Wallis, Henry von Doussa, Leila Lois, John Bartlett, Mark Anthony Cayanan, Bron Bateman, Cat Cotsell, Jennifer Power, Adele Aria, Michele Saint-Yves, Gemma Rose, Zachary DB Smith, Shivani Preston, Heath John Ramsay, Penn O’Brien, Stephanie Russell, Jan Prior, Andy Murdoch, Suz Mawer, Zachary Pryor, Peter Mitchell, Sharryn Ryan, Charlotte Allingham, Neika Lehman, Isabella Whāwhai Waru, Caleb Thaiday.

    Bent Street 4.2 will be Zoom launched at Adelaide Feast – details very soon.

    All proceeds from the sale of this edition of Bent Street will be donated to Many Coloured Sky, a group that works with LGBTIQA+ asylum seekers and refugees in Australia and overseas.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationMelbourne
    PublisherClouds of Magellan
    Number of pages238
    ISBN (Electronic)9780648746997
    ISBN (Print)9780648746980
    Publication statusPublished - 17 Nov 2020

    Publication series

    NameBent street
    ISSN (Print)2652-659X
    ISSN (Electronic)2652-6581


    • LGBTIQ
    • lgbt
    • arts
    • culture
    • protest
    • education
    • feminism
    • narrative


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