Biological detection system

Ewa Goldys (Inventor), Guozhen Liu (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A biological capture device including an elongate member configured to be inserted into a region of a body of a subject and having capture region on the surface of the elongate member containing a capture ligand capable of binding to a target biological material when the device is in the body, and methods of use of the device to detect and measure target biological materials in a body.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2017100823
    IPCA61B 5/1459 2006.01,A61B 5/1473 2006.01,G01N 33/68 2006.01,G01N 33/53 2006.01,B82Y 30/00 2011.01
    Priority date18/12/15
    Filing date16/12/16
    Publication statusSubmitted - 22 Jun 2017

    Bibliographical note

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