Cascaded, long pulse and continuous wave Raman lasers

Robert Williams (Inventor), Richard Paul Mildren (Inventor), David James Spence (Inventor), Oliver Lux (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A Raman Laser device having an nth Stokes shifted output the device including: a laser pump input; a lasing cavity having feedback elements at each end; and a diamond Raman active gain medium within the cavity, exhibiting first and higher Stokes emissions when subjected to pumping by the laser pump input; wherein the feedback elements feeding back the pump input, and 1st Stokes output from the gain medium, and a gain portion of the higher Stokes outputs, with a transmitting portion of the nth Stokes output being the output of the device.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS20190280456
    IPCH01S 3/30,H01S 3/08,H01S 3/0941,H01S 3/16
    Priority date22/09/16
    Publication statusSubmitted - 12 Sept 2019


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