Characterizing spoken responses in masked-onset priming of reading aloud using articulography

Michael Proctor*, Max Coltheart, Louise Ratko, Tünde Szalay, Kenneth Forster, Felicity Cox

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A key method for studying articulatory planning at different levels of phonological organization is masked-onset priming. In previous work using that paradigm the dependent variable has been acoustic response time (RT). We used electromagnetic articulography to measure articulatory RTs and the articulatory properties of speech gestures in non-word production in a masked-onset priming experiment. Initiation of articulation preceded acoustic response onset by 199 ms, but the acoustic lag varied by up to 63 ms, depending on the phonological structure of the target. Onset priming affected articulatory response latency, but had no effect on gestural duration, inter-gestural coordination, or articulatory velocity. This is consistent with an account of the masked-onset priming effect in which the computation from orthography of an abstract phonological representation of the target is initiated earlier in the primed than in the unprimed condition. We discuss the implications of these findings for models of speech production and the scope of articulatory planning and execution.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)613-630
Number of pages18
JournalMemory and Cognition
Issue number3
Early online date7 Jan 2021
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2021


  • reading
  • speech production
  • masked priming
  • reaction time
  • analyses/methods
  • articulation


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