Commercial law of the People′s Republic of China

Patricia Blazey (Editor), Kay-Wah Chan (Editor)

Research output: Book/ReportEdited Book/Anthology


Commercial law plays a large part in China’s transition to its status as a major trading nation. This book contains chapters that focus on areas of the law pertinent to China’s continuing economic development. It provides an analysis of the Five Year Plans and their effect on the development of and changes in commercial law. China is focused on developing its internal market and Commercial Law of the People’s Republic of China provides an examination of a number of highly relevant topics, such as Company Law, Labour Law, Property Law, Intellectual Property Law, Consumer Law, Energy Law and Renewable Energy Law. Chapters on Tax Law, Competition Law and Policy, and Commercial Arbitration Law written by experts in their field provide an up-to-date and in-depth coverage of other important commercial law subjects. This book acknowledges that China’s rapid development is affected by policy changes on issues such as urbanisation, the structure of the industrial sector and the environment. These changes and their effect on the national economy and the legal system are discussed in the book.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationPyrmont, N.S.W.
PublisherThomson Reuters
Number of pages588
ISBN (Print)9780455228266
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • Commercial law--China
  • China--Commerce


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