Construction project partnering: a case study in Hong Kong

Robert A. Hunt, Nicolas S. Y. Yeung

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contributionpeer-review

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Relationships in the construction industry in Hong Kong have been described as adversarial in nature and characterized by confrontation and mutual suspicion. Plagued by declining profit margins, corruption scandals, increases in formal litigation and arbitration, concerns over quality standards of works, increases in administrative overheads and an erosion of general competitiveness, the high-powered Construction Industry Review Committee commissioned by the Chief Executive recommends Partnering in its 2001 report as one of the many measures to revamp and overhaul the local construction industry. Partnering was first introduced in America with ample examples of success and later promoted in UK by Sir John Egan in his report "Rethinking Construction". A number of enterprising public organizations and government agencies in Hong Kong have begun to experiment with Partnering in a few of their building and engineering projects amid conventional constraints. This paper attempts to evaluate the perceived successes and drawbacks with a housing construction project where a Project Partnering approach was introduced at the commencement of construction. Findings from this case study may help to shed light on the viability of Partnering as a feasible approach for enhancing construction quality and efficiency in Hong Kong.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationQuality innovation knowledge
Subtitle of host publicationconvergence in the digital age
EditorsA. Sohail, R. Cooney
Place of PublicationClayton, Vic.
PublisherMonash University Publishing
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)0732621984
Publication statusPublished - 2002
EventInternational Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management (6th : 2002) - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Duration: 17 Feb 200220 Feb 2002


ConferenceInternational Research Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management (6th : 2002)
CityKuala Lumpur, Malaysia


  • partnering
  • construction
  • building
  • Hong Kong


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