Continuous-wave laser

Peter Dekker (Inventor), Helen Margaret Pask (Inventor), James Austin Piper (Inventor), David James Spence (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A continuous wave Raman laser for producing visible laser output comprising: a resonator cavity; at least a first reflector and a second reflector said first and second reflectors being located at opposite ends of the resonator cavity; a laser gain medium located in the resonator cavity for generating a continuous wave fundamental beam which resonates within the resonator cavity when pumped by a pump beam from a pump source external to the resonator cavity; a solid Raman-active medium positioned in the resonator cavity for Raman shifting the fundamental beam to produce a continuous wave Raman beam which resonates within the resonator cavity; and a non-linear medium positioned in the resonator cavity for frequency converting the continuous wave Raman beam to a converted wavelength to produce a continuous wave converted beam.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent number08345717
    IPCH01S 3/30
    Priority date13/04/06
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2013


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