Darrawillian (Middle Ordovician) conodonts from the Weemalla Formation, south of Orange, New South Wales

Yong Yi Zhen, Ian G. Percival

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Detailed study of twenty species of conodonts from the basal Weemalla Formation (exposed in the Panuara district south ofOrange, New South Wales) enables clarification ofthe concept of the unit and its regional stratigraphic relationships. The Weemalla Fonnation is of early Darriwilian to Oisbomian age, broadly comparable with the poorly fossiliferous Coombing Formation against which it is fault- juxtaposed. Both formations are overlain by the Forest Reefs Volcanics, of Late Ordovician age. Co-occurrence of Periodon macrodentatus, Drepanodus? bellburnensis, Paroistodus originalis? and Dzikodus hunanensis is indicative of an early Darriwilian (Da2) age for the basal part ofthe Weemalla Formation. Well preserved specimens of Dzikodus hunanensis represent the first confirmed Australian record of this genus, which differs significantly from the superficially similar and often confused Polonodus (previously recorded from basinal sequences with Da3 graptolites in Victoria). Dominance in the Weemalla samples of Periodon macrodentatus, and its association with rare Spinodus sp. cf. spinatus, is interpreted as representing a deep-water (lower slope) biofacies typical of the Open-Sea Realm. This is consistent with the turbiditic siltstones, sandstones and occasionally graptolitic shales comprising the Weemalla Formation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)153-178
    Number of pages26
    JournalAssociation of Australasian Palaeontologists memoirs
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


    • conodonts
    • Ordovician
    • Darriwilian
    • deep water
    • Weemalla Formation
    • New South Wales


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