Data Central for astronomers and survey teams

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution


Data Central is the AAO's flagship virtual observatory service, providing a central repository for AAT and UK Schmidt observations, survey-team derived data products and documentation. The system brings together catalogues, imaging, spectra and data cubes from dozens of surveys, providing an intuitive interface to query, explore and cross-match data sets of national and international significance. We briefly introduce the current services Data Central offers to help astronomers familiarize themselves with the system, including: the cutout (access imaging data from some of the world's leading facilities to quickly explore sources of interest and produce publication quality images), query (extends the existing functionality of the TAP server and now makes the catalogues hosted at data central queryable via the web interface), and schema (browsing the survey-team generated metadata). We also introduce team-support services to enable the smooth running of astronomical surveys, including: a survey team data cloud, which allows teams to move data quickly and easily from the telescope to the desktop; Document Central, a content management system which allows teams to produce detailed documentation for both public and private consumption; and private team data access, so that teams can query and manage data that are not yet ready for public release.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationLinking galaxies from the Epoch of initial star-formation to today
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2019
EventElizabeth and Frederick White Research Conference 2019 - Sydney, Australia
Duration: 18 Feb 201922 Feb 2019


ConferenceElizabeth and Frederick White Research Conference 2019


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