Degenerate oligonucleotide gene shuffling

Moreland David Gibbs (Inventor), Peter Leonard Bergquist (Inventor), Kaisu Milja Helena Nevalainen (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A method for gene shuffling to form a mutant or chimeric gene, the method conmprising: (a) assigning one or more segments of one or more genes based on regions of encoded amino acid sequence; (b) amplifying the one or more assigned segments of the gene using primers specific for each segment; and (c) causing recombination of the one or more amplified segments to form a mutant or chimeric gene. An oligonucleotide primer suitable for use in gene shuffling, the primer having a non-degenerate core based on a segment or template of a gene to be amplified, and the core being flanked by both 5' and 3' degenerate ends.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2002018629
    IPCC12N 15/10 2006.01,C12Q 1/68 2006.01
    Priority date29/08/00
    Filing date29/08/01
    Publication statusSubmitted - 7 Mar 2002

    Bibliographical note

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    • Degenerate oligonucleotide gene shuffling

      Bergquist, P. L., Gibbs, M. D. & Nevalainen, H. K. M., 4 Nov 2004, IPC No. C12N 15/09, C12N 15/10, C12N 15/11, C12Q 1/68, Patent No. AU2001283710, Priority date 29 Aug 2000, Priority No. AUPQ9749

      Research output: Patent

      Open Access
    • Degenerate oligonucleotide gene shuffling

      Gibbs, M. D., Bergquist, P. L. & Nevalainen, H. K. M., 25 Jun 2003, (Submitted) IPC No. C12N 15/09, C12Q 1/68, C12N 15/10, C12N 15/11, C12Q 1/6844, Patent No. EP1320630, Priority date 29 Aug 2000, Priority No. AUPQ974900

      Research output: Patent

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