Development of image segmentation methods for intracranial aneurysms

Yuka Sen, Yi Qian*, Alberto Avolio, Michael Morgan

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Though providing vital means for the visualization, diagnosis, and quantification of decision-making processes for the treatment of vascular pathologies, vascular segmentation remains a process that continues to be marred by numerous challenges. In this study, we validate eight aneurysms via the use of two existing segmentation methods; the Region Growing Threshold and Chan-Vese model. These methods were evaluated by comparison of the results obtained with a manual segmentation performed. Based upon this validation study, we propose a new Threshold-Based Level Set (TLS) method in order to overcome the existing problems. With divergent methods of segmentation, we discovered that the volumes of the aneurysm models reached a maximum difference of 24%. The local artery anatomical shapes of the aneurysms were likewise found to significantly influence the results of these simulations. In contrast, however, the volume differences calculated via use of the TLS method remained at a relatively low figure, at only around 5%, thereby revealing the existence of inherent limitations in the application of cerebrovascular segmentation. The proposed TLS method holds the potential for utilisation in automatic aneurysm segmentation without the setting of a seed point or intensity threshold. This technique will further enable the segmentation of anatomically complex cerebrovascular shapes, thereby allowing for more accurate and efficient simulations of medical imagery.

Original languageEnglish
Article number715325
Pages (from-to)1-7
Number of pages7
JournalComputational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 2013

Bibliographical note

Copyright the Author(s) 2013. Version archived for private and non-commercial use with the permission of the author/s and according to publisher conditions. For further rights please contact the publisher.


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