Diagnosing prosopagnosia: Effects of ageing, sex, and participant-stimulus ethnic match on the cambridge face memory test and cambridge face perception test

Devin C. Bowles, Elinor McKone*, Amy Dawel, Bradley Duchaine, Romina Palermo, Laura Schmalzl, Davide Rivolta, C. Ellie Wilson, Galit Yovel

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    320 Citations (Scopus)


    The Cambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT) and Cambridge Face Perception Test (CFPT) have provided the first theoretically strong clinical tests for prosopagnosia based on novel rather than famous faces. Here, we assess the extent to which norms for these tasks must take into account ageing, sex, and testing country. Data were from Australians aged 18 to 88 years (N = 240 for CFMT; 128 for CFPT) and young adult Israelis (N = 49 for CFMT). Participants were unselected for face recognition ability; most were university educated. The diagnosis cut-off for prosopagnosia (2 SDs poorer than mean) was affected by age, participant-stimulus ethnic match (within Caucasians), and sex for middle-aged and older adults on the CFPT. We also report internal reliability, correlation between face memory and face perception, correlations with intelligence-related measures, correlation with self-report, distribution shape for the CFMT, and prevalence of developmental prosopagnosia.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)423-455
    Number of pages33
    JournalCognitive Neuropsychology
    Issue number5
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2009


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