Dielectric loaded impedance matching for wideband implanted antennas

Tharaka Dissanayake*, Karu P. Esselle, Mehmet R. Yuce

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    In implanted biomedical devices, due to the presence of surrounding dissipative biological tissue, the antenna suffers poor impedance matching. This causes degradation in the performance of a wideband or ultra-wideband (UWB) implanted device. Moreover, the electrical properties of tissue change from organ to organ, and possibly from time to time. In this paper, it is shown that loading of antennas with suitable insulators can deliver broadband matching across a range of dissipative medium properties. An impedance-matched UWB antenna designed to operate inside a lossy medium, which has varying electromagnetic properties within the range expected in biological tissues, is presented. The operating bandwidth of the proposed design is 3.54.5 GHz, which is an interference-free subset of the unlicensed UWB band in the US. It is demonstrated that once the dielectric loading is applied, the conventional procedure for antenna design in free space can be followed. The proposed implantable small capsule-shaped slot antenna has been characterized using numerical simulations. Details of a proof-of-concept experiment are presented.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number5233780
    Pages (from-to)2480-2487
    Number of pages8
    JournalIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - Oct 2009

    Bibliographical note

    Copyright 2009 IEEE. Reprinted from IEEE Transactions on microwave theory and techniques, Vol. 57, Issue 10, Part 2, pp. 2480-2487. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Such permission of the IEEE does not in any way imply IEEE endorsement of any of Macquarie University’s products or services. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected]. By choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.


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