Differential proteomic response of rice (Oryza sativa) leaves exposed to high- and low-temperature stress

C. Gayani Gammulla, Dana Pascovici, Brian J. Atwell, Paul A. Haynes*

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65 Citations (Scopus)


Global mean surface temperature has been predicted to increase by 1.8-4°C within this century, accompanied by an increase in the magnitude and frequency of extreme temperature events. Developing rice cultivars better adapted to non-optimal temperatures is essential to increase rice yield in the future and, hence, understanding the molecular response of rice to temperature stress is necessary. In this study, we investigated the proteomic responses of leaves of 24-day-old rice seedlings to sudden temperature changes. Rice seedlings grown at 28/20°C (day/night) were subjected to 3-day exposure to 12/5°C or 20/12°C (day/night) for low-temperature stress, and 36/28°C or 44/36°C (day/night) for high-temperature stress, followed by quantitative label-free shotgun proteomic analysis on biological triplicates of each treatment. Out of over 1100 proteins identified in one or more temperature treatments, more than 400 were found to be responsive to temperature stress. Of these, 43, 126 and 47 proteins were exclusively found at 12/5, 20/12 and 44/36°C (day/night), respectively. Our results showed that a greater change occurs in the rice leaf proteome at 20/12°C (day/night) in comparison to other non-optimal temperature regimes. In addition, our study identified more than 20 novel stress-response proteins.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2839-2850
Number of pages12
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2011


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