Do individuals differ on the degree to which they value experiences?

L. Krause

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract


    The aim of the study was to explore if there is a construct ‘experientialism’ which affects the choices consumers make on a daily basis. Experientialism is the degree to which individuals value experiences. This is contrasted to materialism, which is the degree to which individuals value material possessions. This study developed a scale of experientialism and tested its reliability and validity. Items were generated using qualitative data from previous studies. Two hundred and eleven participants took part in the validation study via an online survey. The study found evidence that the experientialism scale was a reliable and valid measure. Experientialism was positively correlated with sensation seeking, intrinsic motivation and openness as predicted and negatively correlated with materialism. Importantly experientialism was not significantly correlated with social desirability. A principal components analysis revealed 5 sub-scales of experientialism: experiential preference, experiential eagerness, experiential aspiration, experiential importance and experiential worth. Evidence of criterion related validity was found in experientialisms positive associated with self efficacy, self esteem and life satisfaction.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)300-301
    Number of pages2
    JournalAustralian Journal of Psychology
    Issue numberSuppl.
    Publication statusPublished - 2007
    EventAnnual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society (42nd : 2007) - Brisbane
    Duration: 25 Sept 200729 Sept 2007


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