Duality of hardy space with bmo on the shilov boundary of the product domain in C2

Ji Li*

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In this paper, we introduce the BMO space via heat kernels on M̃, where M̃ = M1 × · · ·× Mn is the Shilov boundary of the product domain in C2n defined by Nagel and Stein ([16], see also [17]), each Mi is the boundary of a weakly pseudoconvex domain of finite type in C2 and the vector fields of Mi are uniformly of finite type ([14]). And we prove that it is the dual space of product Hardy space H1(M̃) introduced in [11].

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81-105
Number of pages25
JournalTaiwanese Journal of Mathematics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2010
Externally publishedYes


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