Eclogite from serpentinite near attunga, New South Wales

Stirling E. Shaw, Richard H. Flood

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20 Citations (Scopus)


Eclogite of high-pressure low-temperature origin occurs within the Great Serpentine belt of New South Wales. The presence of glaucophane-bearing rocks and other medium to high-pressure assemblages associated with the belt is similar in many respects to the Californian and Oregon occurrences. The chemical composition of the eclogite is characterized by low K2O values comparable to many oceanic tholeiites, although one analysis is nepheline-normative. Ti-Zr-Y ratios also show affinities to ocean-floor basalts. The garnet contains approximately 30% grossular and is strongly zoned from almandine (Alm 56%, Py 9%) at the core towards pyrope (Alm 44%, Py 27%) at the margin. Sodic augite contains 30-33% Jd, 4-7% Ac, and 72-74% Di+He. Distribution of Fe and Mg between co-existing garnet and pyroxene would suggest an increasing temperature during eclogite crystallization with a possible range from 290°C to 600°C and a minimum pressure of 7-12 kb.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)377-385
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of the Geological Society of Australia
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1974


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