Effect of gain anisotropy on low-frequency dynamics in four-level solid-state lasers

Jong Dae Park, Aaron Mckay, Judith M. Dawes

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Our anisotropic rate equation model outlines the relationship between the relaxation dynamics in a four-level solid-state laser and its anisotropic gain properties. Anisotropic pump rates and stimulated emission cross-sections were included to account for specific atom orientations in the gain material. The model is compared with experimental measurements of two relaxation oscillation frequencies which are related to the anisotropic atom-laser interaction in orthogonally polarized dual-mode lasers. The model predicts that crystal orientation and pump polarization affect the laser operation characteristics, as found experimentally. The gain anisotropy influences the fast laser dynamics, as in single-mode relaxation oscillations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6053-6058
Number of pages6
JournalOptics Express
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2009


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