Elaeocarpus sedentarius sp. nov. (Elaeocarpaceae) - Morphometric analysis of a new, rare species from eastern Australia

David Maynard, Darren Crayn*, Maurizio Rossetto, Robert Kooyman, Mark Coode

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6 Citations (Scopus)


To assess the status of a putative new species of Elaeocarpus L. (Elaeocarpaceae) from north-eastern New South Wales (NSW), with respect to the morphologically similar E. blepharoceras Schltr. from New Guinea, we undertook morphometric analysis of 11 vegetative attributes measured on 11 specimens of the putative new species and eight of E. blepharoceras. Cluster analysis (flexible UPGMA) and ordination (PCC) separates highland specimens of E. blepharoceras from the NSW material plus lowland E. blepharoceras. Furthermore, the ordination shows some separation of the NSW material into Koonyum Range and Nightcap Range groups. Although it is not clearly differentiated from lowland E. blepharoceras on morphometric analysis, description of the NSW material as E. sedentarius D.J.Maynard & Crayn is justified by (1) additional features such as the anther awns (short and sparsely hairy in E. sedentarius and much longer and densely bristly in E. blepharoceras), variation in the number of locules (3(-4) in E. sedentarius and (2-)3 in E. blepharoceras), leaf margin features (short setae terminating veins on leaf margins of E. blepharoceras, lacking in E. sedentarius) and (2) geographic isolation (>2000:km) is likely to prevent gene flow. The distribution, relationships and conservation status of E. sedentarius are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)192-200
Number of pages9
JournalAustralian Systematic Botany
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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