External cavity raman laser

Richard Paul Mildren (Inventor), Helen Margaret Pask (Inventor), James Austin Piper (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The invention provides a wavelength converter (10) for generating at least one wavelength of output laser light (40) from'a pump laser beam (35). The wavelength converter comprises a resonator cavity (15) comprising at least a first reflector (20) and a second reflector (25), and a Raman-active medium (30) located in the resonator cavity (15) and an output coupler (25). , The Raman-active medium (30) is capable of shifting the wavelength of the pump laser beam (35 to generate Raman-shifted laser light, and the first and second reflectors (20, 25) are adapted and disposed so as to reflect said Raman-shifted laser light having at least one selected wavelength a plurality of times through said Raman medium (30) so as to provide medium to high gain Raman-shifted laser light (40) having at least one selected wavelength.

    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO2006058381
    IPCH01S 3/108 2006.1,A61N 5/067 2006.1
    Priority date1/12/04
    Filing date1/12/05
    Publication statusSubmitted - 8 Jun 2006

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