Fossil Collections of the World: Supplement to an International Guide

Barry D. Webby*

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)


    In 1980 the International Palaeontological Association undertook
    through the establishment of a select committee to compile
    a World Directory of palaeontological collections (Webby 1980).
    It was aimed at: ( I ) providing palaeontologists with data on the
    scope and coverage of available collections world-wide; and (2)
    of raising awareness of the problems of maintaining the priceless
    resource base of palaeontological heritage material (type specimens,
    etc.) that has been built up in museums and other
    institutions throughout the world in little more than 200 years.
    A large number of palaeontologists participated in the project
    through the 1980s. providing information on completed questionnaires
    about their national and/or individual instititional
    collections. The compilation of these replies. undertaken through
    1987 to early 19x9. resulted in a global documentation of some
    459 collections representing 47 countries. These were assembled
    in a First Edition of the International Guide and published just
    over two years ago (Webby 1989). Unfortunately a number of
    completed questionnaire responses were received after the volume
    went to press. Those received up to March 1990 are
    compiled herein as a Supplement using similar layout and
    subheadings for entries as in the International Guide.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)119-122
    Number of pages4
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 1992


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