Ganglion cells loss in non-optic neuritis eyes of MS patients

Prema Sriram, Nonna Saakova, Chenyu Wang, Hema Arvind, Stuart Graham, Con Yiannikas, Raymond Garrick, Alexander Klistorner

    Research output: Contribution to journalMeeting abstract


    Objective: The purpose of the current study was to
    look for evidence of sub-clinical inflammation along
    the visual pathway and structural and functional
    changes in outer retina and investigate its possible
    association with RGC loss in NON-ON eyes of MS

    Methods: Forty NON-ON eyes of 40 RRMS patients
    and thirty controls were included. The thickness of the
    retinal layers was measured by Spectralis OCT and
    analysed using custom design segmentation software.
    RGCs were assessed using thickness of Ganglion Cell
    Complex (GCC). Structural and functional integrity of
    outer retina was analysed using thickness of INL and
    ORL and full-field electroretinogram (ERG), while
    Multifocal Visual Evoked Potentials (mfVEP) were per-
    formed to assess the sub-clinical inflammation along
    the visual pathway.

    Results: The thickness of GCC was significantly
    reduced (80.4+/−7.9 μ vs 87.0+/−5.5 μ, p = 0.0003).
    No significant change in INL or ORL was detected
    (p = 0.2 and 0.06). There was also no significant change
    in any of the ERG parameters. The latency of mfVEP,
    however, was significantly delayed (p = 0.00001). GCC
    thickness correlated significantly with latency delay of
    the mfVEP (r2= 0.34, p < 0.001), but not with thick-
    ness of outer retina layers or any ERG parameters.
    There was no significant thinning of GCC (84.0+/−3.6 μ,
    p = 0.08) in patients with normal (<99th percentile)
    mfVEP latency (17 patients). However in patients with
    a delayed latency (>99th percentile, 23 patients) GCC
    reduction become even more apparent (78.0+/−8.9 μ,
    p = 0.00005).

    Conclusions: Our result demonstrates significant
    association of RGCs loss with sub-clinical inflamma-
    tion along the visual pathway. No evidence of primary
    retinal loss was found.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)142-142
    Number of pages1
    JournalClinical and Experimental Ophthalmology
    Issue numberSupplement 1
    Publication statusPublished - Dec 2012


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