The present invention relates to methods, systems and devices for safely and efficiently capturing gaseous mercury and removing the mercury from an environment. A device of the present invention may comprise a sorbent material, a porous body and a means of binding the sorbent material to the body. The gaseous mercury may be captured by such a device upon contact of the mercury with the sorbent material and, after use, be safely removed from the environment.
Original language | English |
Patent number | WO2019046882 |
IPC | C02F 1/28 2006.01,C02F 3/34 2006.01,B01J 20/02 2006.01,B01J 20/30 2006.01,B01D 15/00 2006.01,B09C 1/10 2006.01 |
Priority date | 8/09/17 |
Filing date | 7/09/18 |
Publication status | Submitted - 14 Mar 2019 |
Bibliographical note
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