Gebrek aan werk wegens economische oorzaken, nepotisme en het willekeurig ontslag van de voor een onbepaalde tijd aangeworven werkman (noot onder Arbh. Gent 2 oktober 1995)

Translated title of the contribution: Lack of work due to economic causes, nepotism and the arbitrary dismissal of the worker employed for an indefinite period of time (note under Arbh. Ghent 2 October 1995)

Marc De Vos

Research output: Contribution to Newspaper/Magazine/WebsiteArticle


Unfair dismissal of blue-collar workers.
Translated title of the contributionLack of work due to economic causes, nepotism and the arbitrary dismissal of the worker employed for an indefinite period of time (note under Arbh. Ghent 2 October 1995)
Original languageDutch
Number of pages3
Specialist publicationAlgemeen Juridisch Tijdschrift
Publication statusPublished - 1996
Externally publishedYes


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