Gene promoters

Peter Leonard Bergquist (Inventor), Natalie Curach (Inventor), Helena Nevalainen (Inventor), Valentino Setoa Junior Te'o (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The invention is directed to a method for obtaining a promoter from an organism using a proteomics approach, isolated promoters from fungal species and uses of the isolated promoters.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberAU2002366655
    IPCC12N 15/31,C07K 14/37,C12N 1/15,C12N 1/19,C12N 1/21,C12N 5/10,C12N 15/09,C12N 15/10,C12N 15/63,C12N 15/80,C12Q 1/68
    Priority date13/12/01
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2007


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    • Gene promoters

      Nevalainen, H., Te'O, V. S., Curach, N. & Bergquist, P. L., 8 Jan 2009, IPC No. C07K 14/37, C12N 15/10, C12N 15/80, C12Q 1/68, Patent No. NZ533495, Priority date 13 Dec 2001, Priority No. AUPR9459

      Research output: Patent

      Open Access
    • Gene promoters

      Nevalainen, H., Te'o, V. S. J., Curach, N. & Bergquist, P. L., 14 Apr 2009, IPC No. C12N 5/08, C07K 14/37, C12N 1/15, C12N 1/19, C12N 1/21, C12N 5/10, C12N 15/09, C12N 15/10, C12N 15/31, C12N 15/63, C12N 15/80, C12Q 1/68, Patent No. US20050221474, Priority date 13 Dec 2001, Priority No. AUPR9459

      Research output: Patent

      Open Access
    • Genpromotoren

      Translated title of the contribution: Gene promotersNevalainen, H., Te'O, V. S., Curach, N. & Bergquist, P. L., 12 Feb 2009, (Submitted) IPC No. C12N 15/31, C12N 15/63, C12N 15/8, C12Q 1/68, Patent No. DE60225182T, Priority date 13 Dec 2001, Priority No. AUPR9459

      Research output: Patent

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