Generation of light from a 1-D random sequence of nonlinear domains

Xavier Vidal, Jordi Martorell

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference proceeding contribution


    In dielectric structures such as photonic crystals that combine two types of materials it is likely that one may find a large degree of disorder. This is also true for nonlinear photonic crystals that combine two different orientations of the same material or a nonlinear with a linear material. Such a disorder may not always be detrimental for the propagation or generation of light. In the present work, we consider second harmonic generation in one-dimensional disordered nonlinear structures. When considering a random sequence of two different orientations of the same material, we show that second harmonic generation does not vanish but instead it exhibits a linear grow with respect to the number of domains considered. In structures that combine a nonlinear with a linear material, even when a large degree of disorder is introduced by allowing an extremely large dispersion in the size of the domains, the coherence of such second order nonlinear process is shown to survive.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationPhotonic Crystal Materials and Devices III (i.e. V)
    EditorsRichard M. de la Rue, Pierre Viktorovitch, Ceferino Lopez, Michele Midrio
    Place of PublicationWashington, DC
    Number of pages7
    ISBN (Print)0819462381, 9780819462381
    Publication statusPublished - 2006
    EventPhotonic Crystal Materials and Devices III (i.e. V) - Strasbourg, France
    Duration: 3 Apr 20066 Apr 2006


    OtherPhotonic Crystal Materials and Devices III (i.e. V)


    • Generation of light
    • Nonlinear photonic crystal
    • Random media


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