Good etiquette is good advocacy: professional interactions in and out of court

The Law Society of NSW Litigation Law and Practice Committee, Sonya Willis, Graeme Johnson, Jade Tyrrell, Carrie Peterson, Sylvia Fernandez, Caroline Hutchinson, Elias Yamine , Julie Robb

Research output: Contribution to Newspaper/Magazine/WebsiteArticle


With the return of face-to-face court appearances, anecdotally there appears to have been an increase in lawyers reporting poor behaviour from legal colleagues in and out of court.
Courtesy in, and by, the profession is a legislated requirement but what constitutes courtesy changes over time and may be misunderstood.
It is important for lawyers to support and educate each other through formal and informal avenues to ensure we provide a safe and comfortable environment for everyone.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationLSJ Online
Publication statusPublished - 5 Aug 2022


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