Graduates' initial experiences of work

Leigh Wood, Anna Reid

Research output: Contribution to journalConference paperpeer-review

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What do our students do with their mathematics degrees? How do they make the transition to the professional workforce? This study reports results from in-depth interviews with 18 graduates who have moved into a range of industries. The study is from the perspective of graduates who have graduated within the past five years from five universities. We investigate how they perceive their university study has helped them move into the workforce. Graduates find the move to the workforce difficult and many have not found an appropriate niche for their skills. This paper describes, in narrative style, the experiences of recent graduates.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
JournalAustralian Association for Research in Education : conference papers, abstracts and symposia
Publication statusPublished - 2006
EventAnnual conference for the Association for Research in Education (2005) - Parramatta
Duration: 27 Nov 20051 Dec 2005


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