Granulocyte activation induced by intense-interval running

A. B. Gray*, R. D. Telford, M. Collins, M. S. Baker, M. J. Weidemann

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40 Citations (Scopus)


Activation of granulocytes has been associated with normal immune function, inflammation, and exercise-induced muscle damage. The effect of intense interval running on granulocyte activation was examined by use of flow cytometry, monoclonal antibodies, and spectrophotometric techniques. Eight trained males [maximal oxygen uptake VO2max, mean (SD) = 64.4 (3.6) ml/kg/min; age 30.1 (4.8) years] undertook an intense interval exercise (treadmill running) protocol to exhaustion. Subjects completed an average of 16.5 one-minute runs. Granulocyte expression of CR3 (CD11b), receptor for complement component C3bi (6 and 24 h post-test), and FcγRIII (CD16) (24 h post-test) and the plasma concentration of elastase-inhibitor complex (1 h post-test) increased significantly (all P < .05). Subjects (8 of 8) exhibited a post-test decrease at either 1 or 6 h (P < .01) and a 24-h post-test significant increase (7 of 8; P < .05) in granulocyte 90° light scattering (LS). Plasma lactoferrin (Lf) concentration, although increased by 17% at 6 h post-test, was not significantly different from resting values at any sampling point. Changes in plasma Lf and median channel 90° LS were significantly correlated (r = .43, P = .04), raising the possibility of monitoring exercise-induced granulocyte activation (degranulation) by flow cytometry. Intense interval exercise appears to induce granulocyte activation, as manifested by release of granule proteins and changes in 90° LS and expression of both Fc and complement receptors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)591-597
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Leukocyte Biology
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1993
Externally publishedYes


  • CD11b
  • CD16
  • CR3
  • degranulation
  • elastase
  • FcγR
  • flow cytometry
  • granules
  • lactoferrin
  • monoclonal antibody


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