h5py/h5py 2.9.0rc1

Andrew Collette, Thomas A. Caswell, James Tocknell, Darren Dale, Thomas Kluyver, Ulrik Kofoed Pedersen, Aleksandar Jelenak, Andrea Bedini, Martin Raspaud, Aaron Parsons, Jialin, Ghislain Antony Vaillant, Yu Feng, Laurence Hole, Seth R. Johnson, Matthieu Brucher, Martin Teichmann, Jakirkham, Konrad Hinsen, Pierre de BuylAxel Huebl, Max Dietz, Florian Rathgeber, Chris Billington, Toon Verstraelen, Geoff Wright, Kitchoi, Dylan Nelson, Christian Sachs, Antony Lee

    Research output: Working paperPreprint


    HDF5 for Python -- The h5py package is a Pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusSubmitted - 8 Dec 2018

    Publication series


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