Harbourlife: Sydney Harbour from the 1940s to recent times

    Research output: Book/ReportEdited Book/Anthology


    Edited by Leonard Janiszewski, this publication accompanies a touring exhibition of the same title. It contains two academically researched and written chapters - one by independent curator Gavin Wilson and the second by Matthew Maley-Bailey of the Department of Modern History, Macquarie University. The chapters reveal the history and changes of the harbour in use, public perception and artistic interpretation. The Foreword is jointly written by Therese Kenyon, Director of the Manly Art Gallery & Museum, and Rhonda Davis, Senior Curator of the Macquarie University Art Gallery.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationSydney
    PublisherMacquarie University
    Number of pages59
    ISBN (Print)9781741382730
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • Art, Modern--20th century--Australia--Exhibitions
    • Art, Modern--21st century--Australia--Exhibitions
    • Art, Australian--20th century--Exhibitions
    • Art, Australian--21st century--Exhibitions
    • Harbors--New South Wales--Sydney--Pictorial works
    • Sydney Harbour (N.S.W.)--In art


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