Hazeen Live at Shh Centre 4 Hybrid Arts

Can Yalcinkaya (Performer), Safdar Ahmed (Performer)

Research output: Non-traditional research outputPerformance


Hazeen's concert and communal zombie-cake eating performance, which took place at Shh Centre 4 Hybrid Arts in North Parramatta in April 2017. The performance was recorded by a documentary film crew and featured in an ABC Arts documentary, titled You See Monsters (Dir. Tony Jackson).

As practitioners in creative arts who have had formal academic training, we (Safdar Ahmed and Can Yalcinkaya) see our musical practice as a form of knowledge production and our recordings and performances as creative research outputs. Our performances and recordings, in which the traditions of Euro-American, particularly Norwegian black and death metal are re-interpreted through an engagement with anti-fascist, anti-Islamophobic politics, critique Islamophobia and racism in the West, particularly in Australia. Through our musical practice, we raise productive questions about place of race and Islamophobia in the contemporary heavy metal music scene.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Islamophobia
  • Racism
  • Black metal
  • Performance art--Australia


Dive into the research topics of 'Hazeen Live at Shh Centre 4 Hybrid Arts'. Together they form a unique fingerprint.
  • Creeping Sharia: an extreme response to Islamophobia

    Yalcinkaya, C. & Ahmed, S., 2019, Australian metal music: identities, scenes and cultures. Hoad, C. (ed.). Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, p. 111-127 17 p. (Emerald Studies in Metal Music and Culture).

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

  • Sovereign Murders

    Ahmed, S. & Yalcinkaya, C., 12 Jul 2018

    Research output: Non-traditional research outputDigital or Visual products

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