High-mass star formation in the southern hemisphere sky

V. Minier*, M. G. Burton, T. Hill, C. R. Purcell, S. Longmore, A. J. Walsh, F. Herpin

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We report on a multi-wavelength (IR to cm) and multi-resolution (1 mas to 20 arcsec) exploration of high-mass star formation regions in the Galactic plane, at longitudes observable from the Southern Hemisphere. Our source sample was originally identified through methanol masers in the Galactic plane, which exclusively trace high-mass star-forming regions. (Sub)millimetre continuum and molecular line observations were carried out with SEST/SIMBA, JCMT/SCUBA and ATNF/Mopra mm-wave telescopes and have allowed us to identify massive (> 20 M) and luminous (> 103 L) clumps in each star-forming region. We have also constrained the SED with additional archival IR data, the physical conditions (Tdust, L, M) and the chemical composition of each massive clump. Several types of objects were characterised based on the Lsubmm/Lbol ratio, the dust temperature and the molecular line properties, ranging from class 0-like YSO clusters (Lsub/Lbol ∼ 1%, T = 30 K) to hot molecular clumps (Lsub/Lbol ∼ 0.1%, T = 40-200 K). Preliminary high-angular resolution observations for a subset of the sample with the ATNF/ATCA at 3 mm, the VLA at 15, 22 and 43 GHz and Gemini in MIR have revealed that several (proto)stellar objects are embedded in the massive clumps: massive protostars, hot cores and hyper-compact HII regions. We have thus identified protoclusters of massive YSOs, which are the precursors of the OB associations. This sample of Southern Hemisphere star-forming regions will be extremely valuable for the scientific preparation of the ALMA and HSO observations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)201-204
Number of pages4
JournalEuropean Space Agency, (Special Publication) ESA SP
Issue number577
Publication statusPublished - 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Continuum
  • Molecular lines
  • Star formation


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