How do brands capture value through engaging non-paying consumers?

Lara Moroko, Linda D. Hollebeek, Lars Groeger

Research output: Contribution to journalConference paperpeer-review


The customer engagement concept has received increasing attention in the Marketing literature in recent years. Within this emerging literature, customer engagement behaviours (CEBs) are heralded, in particular, to reflect consumers’ engagement with focal brands or firms. Further, based on the emergence and rise of influential consumer networks, the role of non-paying consumers is rapidly gaining traction. Although the literature has addressed customer engagement behaviours displayed by paying customers, those exhibited by non-paying consumers remain largely unexamined to-date. In this paper, we explore and develop the concept of non-paying consumer engagement behaviours (NPCEBs); i.e. “positively-valenced behavioural manifestation toward a product, brand or firm, which are not predicated on a transaction, but none-the-less create potential value for the firm”, and develop a conceptual model comprising key NPCEB antecedents and consequences. The paper concludes with an overview of key implications for future empirical research.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)161-181
Number of pages21
JournalANZMAC 2014 : Annual Conference proceedings : Agents of change
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventAustralian and New Zealand Marketing Academy Conference (2014): Agents of Change - Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 1 Dec 20143 Dec 2014


  • Customer engagement behaviors (CEBs)
  • non-paying consumers
  • value
  • networks track: brands and brand management


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