How much do we throw away in the intensive care unit? An observational point prevalence study of Australian and New Zealand ICUs

Matthew Anstey, Louise Trent, Deepak Bhonagiri, Naomi E. Hammond, Serena Knowles, Forbes McGain, The George Institute for Global Health and the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group, Steering Committee members, Coordinating centre List of investigators, Site List of investigators

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Objective: During the current COVID pandemic, waste generation has been more evident with increased use of single use masks, gowns and other personal protective equipment. We aimed to understand the scale of waste generation, recycling rates and participation in Australian and New Zealand (ANZ) ICUs. Design: This is a prospective cross-sectional point prevalence study, as part of the 2021 ANZICS Point Prevalence Program. Specific questions related to waste and sustainability practices were asked at the site and patient level. Setting and participants: ANZ adult ICUs and their patients on the day of the study. Main outcome measures: Amount of single use items disposed of per shift, as well as the engagement of the site with sustainability and recycling practices. Results: In total, 712 patients (median number of patients per ICU = 17, IQR 11–30) from 51 ICUs across ANZ were included in our study; 55% of hospitals had a sustainability officer, and recycling paper (86%) and plastics (65%) were frequent, but metal recycling was limited (27%). Per patient bed space per 12-h shift there was recycling of less than 40% paper, glass, intravenous fluid bags, medication cups and metal instruments. A median of 10 gowns (IQR 3–19.5), 10 syringes (4.5–18) and gloves 30 (18–49) were disposed of per bed space, per 12-h shift. These numbers increased significantly when comparing patients with and without infection control precautions in place. Conclusions: In ANZ ICUs, we found utilisation of common ICU consumables to be high and associated with low recycling rates. Interventions to abate resource utilisation and augment recycling are required to improve environmental sustainability in intensive care units.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-83
Number of pages6
JournalCritical Care and Resuscitation
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2023

Bibliographical note

Copyright the Author(s) 2023. Version archived for private and non-commercial use with the permission of the author/s and according to publisher conditions. For further rights please contact the publisher.


  • Administration and health services
  • Anaesthesia and intensive care
  • Infectious disease
  • Waste management


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